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You are about to have access to Qualified Specialists, LLC, training. Original copies of the API specifications may be obtained through API directly and are the property of API.  

Mark-ups, annotations, and commentary for API specifications are the intellectual property of Qualified Specialists, LLC, that have been independently generated.

The trainee, you, through acknowledgement and agreement of this agreement, agrees that he/she/they:

  1. Understands that this training is the express Intellectual Property of Qualified Specialists, LLC, based upon API specifications.
  2. No transfer of Intellectual Property from Qualified Specialists, LLC, is provided through this Agreement.
  3. The training has been developed through professional judgement specific to Qualified Specialists, LLC, and not through any other organization, including API.
  4. The training is without warranty.
  5. As the training is the Intellectual Property of Qualified Specialists, LLC, the trainee agrees to not distribute copies of materials in oral, written, or visual form, or relay data, or provide password or access information to Qualified Specialists, LLC, training to others.
  6. The trainee agrees to the terms of access provided by Qualified Specialists, LLC, for the training.  
  7. Qualified Specialists, LLC, may restrict or terminate access to the trainee at any time, at the sole discretion of Qualified Specialists, LLC.
  8. Violation of this Agreement, through intentional or negligent acts, may result in Qualified Specialists, LLC, seeking redress from a court of competent jurisdiction, located in Houston, Texas, using the State of Texas substantive laws, regardless of conflict of laws statutes.